Getting a DUI can alter anyone's potential career path. However, it may have particularly notable repercussions for people just starting out with their schooling journey. In what ways can a DUI change a student's future? What are the biggest hurdles it may introduce?...
Criminal Defense And High-Stakes Divorce In Georgia Requires Grit And Local Insight
Aerial View of Lake Oconee
Month: December 2022
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Reasons DUI arrests increase over the holidays
Certain times of the year see an increase in certain types of crimes, as well as arrests for those infractions. For example, crimes of opportunity, such as unlawful entry, tend to spike during the summer months when people are more likely to leave their windows and...
How should I understand the plain view doctrine?
Usually, a police officer needs a warrant to search your property. However, there are a few exceptions, one of which involves a police officer spotting an apparently criminal item inside your home or vehicle. This can lead to a search under the plain view doctrine....