If you were to ask someone if they cared about their family, if they cared about what happened to their partner, their children, their grandchildren…chances are good that you’d receive a resounding “yes!” However, a great deal of these people may not have a legally enforceable estate plan in place. But what do these things have to do with one another?
Many people are under the impression that estate planning is only something that older people do, to protect their own money and property when they die. However, estate planning is for people of all ages, and has many benefits for the individual’s loved ones too. When we can take this wide-angle approach to our legal decisions, we can see just how important they can be to not only our future, but the futures of those we care about.
Most people will have children at some point during their lives, whether through birth or adoption, and with a good estate plan, parents can outline concrete ways to take care of their family. There are a variety of documents that you can use to preserve assets for your children while you are alive, as well as after you pass on. By working with a qualified Greensboro estate planning attorney, you can set up wills, trusts, and gifts that can help support your loved ones, while avoiding stressful probate proceedings and costly taxes.
Even if you do not have children, estate planning is an important way to ensure that your spouse or partner receives the support that they deserve after you’re gone. This is especially important for unmarried couples, as it allows you to control what assets you wish to transfer to your partner, instead of leaving it up to the probate courts. Often, in the case of unmarried couples or nontraditional relationships, loved ones are left out in the cold after someone dies. However, you have the power to change that, with a strategic estate plan through a qualified law firm.
We all want the best for our family members, so don’t leave their futures up to chance by neglecting to file your legal documents. A qualified attorney can put together a customized plan that addresses all of your concerns, both medical and financial, so you can finally rest well at night knowing your loved ones are in good hands. If you want to learn more about how an estate plan can benefit not only you, but also those you care about, reach out to us at E.J Boswell today. Ask for your free consultation to get started.