Bail allows individuals accused of a crime to remain free until their court date. In Georgia, the bail process aims to ensure defendants appear in court while balancing the right to remain out of jail. Understanding how bail works can help those facing criminal...
Criminal Defense And High-Stakes Divorce In Georgia Requires Grit And Local Insight
Criminal Defense
Understanding the necessity defense in trespassing cases
Trespassing occurs when someone enters another person’s property without permission, but under specific circumstances, individuals may claim the necessity defense to justify their actions. Understanding how this defense works can clarify its role in complex legal...
What differentiates domestic assault from other criminal charges?
Domestic assault involves specific factors that set it apart from other types of assault. The main differentiating factor lies in the relationship between the individuals involved. Domestic assault occurs between people who share a personal relationship, such as...
Aggravated assault in Georgia: What it means and how to respond
Aggravated assault is a serious crime in Georgia that carries severe penalties. The law defines aggravated assault differently from simple assault and outlines much harsher consequences. If you are facing assault charges, you need to understand how aggravated assault...
When do the police need to Mirandize you?
You’ve heard the lines on countless television shows and movies that begin, “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…” Thus begins the “Miranda Warning” that reminds people in this country that they...
What are the legal consequences of shoplifting?
Shoplifting might seem like a minor issue, but it carries serious legal consequences in Georgia. The penalties vary, depending on the value of the stolen goods and the individual’s prior offenses. Knowing what’s at stake can guide your decisions and help you stay...
Clearing your criminal record: A fresh start through expungement
If you’ve made mistakes in the past that resulted in a criminal record in Georgia, you might be wondering if there’s a way to clear it. Fortunately, the law provides for the erasure of some criminal records, giving individuals a fresh start. If you are hoping to...
What are the consequences of violating probation in Georgia?
Probation is a legal sentence that allows a person to avoid imprisonment or reduce their time in jail. However, probation comes with strict conditions that must be followed. If an individual violates probation, they may face severe consequences. What is probation?...
Common defenses against false accusations of sexual assault
Accusations of sexual assault can result in profound and lasting consequences for the accused, including damage to reputation, relationships and even career prospects. Unfortunately, these accusations can be leveled for a variety of reasons other than the truth,...
Can a self-defense claim hold water against assault charges?
Claiming self-defense when charged with assault seems like a sure way out of your legal predicament, but how viable is it? The answer to that depends on the particulars of your case; it might prove effective or not. Here is what you should know about. The law in...